7 Minute Workout App

7 Minute Workout IconThe 7 Minutes A Day App helps you do the famous Scientific 7 Minutes Workout, that’s been going around the internet.
The workout consist of the following exercises: Jumping Jacks, Wall Sit, Push Up, Abdominal Crunch, Step Up onto Chair, Squat, Triceps Dip on Chair, Plank, High Knees Running in Place, Lunge, Push Up and Rotation and Side Plank.
The 7 Minutes A Day App will help you doing these workout set by announcing each exercise to you and keep track of the time till the next one.

But that’s not all. You can also make 4 custom workout sessions with different exercise routines. The routines can be selected from the predefined data base or you can enter your own (with name and picture as reference).

7 Minute Workout







View in App Store 

Make your own App with My Menu

My Menu IconWhether you are a restaurant owner, a small business owner or an individual artist, the My Menu App is designed with you in mind.
It will give you a new way to attract new customers and make you innovative at the same time.

Just imagine you, as a restaurant owner, handing over an iPad with your own food menu to your customers. They will certainly love this new presentation instead of the boring old paper menu. And they are bound to tell their friends about it, which equals potential new customers.
Another good thing is always have your menu up to date. Decide what the today’s special is and make an entry in the My Menu App, take a picture, write a description and you’re done. Or you’re not serving a certain dish anymore, all you have to do is just delete the entry from the app. No more reprinting, extra cost or other troubles.

Just imagine you, an artist (painter, sculptor or something else), and a potential client wanting to see your work. Just show them your portfolio in the My Menu App. Browse through it with them while telling them your story behind the creative process.

Just imagine you, an owner of a store, and a customer wanting to buy something out of stock. Show them information about the item on the My Menu App, and have them make a reservation/order the item when available. This will prevent them from walking away or worse going to the competition…

Just imagine what the My Menu App can do for you.

My Menu App is fully customizable, you can set your own business/company name, select a font type, color scheme, layout view and more. Password protect the settings menu, to avoid customers accidentally deleting data.
The settings layout is clear and easy to understand.
Data entry is simple and fast. Enter a category name (like main course or dessert if you’re a restaurant owner), after this enter the short product name, long product name, description and the price of the product. Select a photo from your photo library and your done with the product. Proceed to the second product. Really simple and fast.

As for the looks of the menu. Just look at the screen shot for more info.










View in App Store 

Best Easter Egg Ever: The Tardis

TardisSo I read about the Google Easter Egg thing and decided to see it for myself. See link

And it’s the Tardis baby. The best blue box ever.

Something Old,

Something New,

Something Borrowed,

Something Blue,



As a Dr Who fan walking inside it is a dream come true.

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So if I was asked the question: All of Time and Space, where do you want to go?

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Learning Cocoa… zzz

cocoa_cupSo finally decided to try Mac OSX programming. This should be easy with some experience in iOS programming. True, true… but also not true.

My first impression while still using X-Code as the main programming tool and objective C as the language. There is still a lot that I’m not familiar with: first so many new options in Interface Builder. This is all nice, but a new list of Outlet names and connections to learn. Second new frameworks & methods to learn. Third the feeling that I don’t know anything at all… guess it’s research & reading time for now.


Personal note: I already fell asleep twice while reading a Cocoa Programming book. My mind trying hard to learn the content by heart (new and interesting things and also a repetition of old things). So how would a describe: why I fell a sleep? A psychological explanation called Cognitive Restructuring or just plain old NLP.

The content wasn’t that boring and it didn’t cause my mind to wander off into NeverEverLand….. oeps NLP would make this into:

The content was that boring and it did cause my mind to wander off into NeverEverLand…

So something new then. Ehm the content contains a mixture between old and new information. The new information did catch my interest and attention. But the old one didn’t and made me think of boring old repetition.

The word to look out for is “boring”. Because “old” can and is in someway the new “new”. Vintage is in nowadays. And old can be associated with wise. With age comes wisdom.

To me repetition is a good word and it equals hard work & progress. It’s training, training and training again. Like grinding for XP.

How to reframe “boring”? Boring can’t equal sleep, because I already have my daily dose of caffeine & it’s 13:00 now. The sun is shining, certainly not night time & bed time. So what about distractions? What are the things that causes my mind to wander off? If I picture my mind as a processor, then a part of the attention/resource is focussed on something else instead of reading the Cocoa Programming book. Pinpoint it and resolve it before going further.

Give in to the distraction, enjoy it but put a time limit on it.

Do something totally different like writing a blog post. Which is what I’m doing now. Plus updating the website, something that I keep putting off.

Find another book to read. Sometimes it can just be the wording that a writer use, which does’t connect with you. So glad that I’m not in school/university anymore and that I have the freedom to choose & gather my own information resource. And the internet is a big, big resource pool.


Daylight (Timer)

Daylight IconDaylight (Timer) is an App that tracks the hours of daylight in a day.

The hours are displayed live on your home screen. So you can see the total hours without opening the App itself.In the App itself you’ll see precise time in hours & minutes, the sunrise & sunset time. But next to this also the current temperature and weather description.If you’ve got any suggestions, tips or questions… feel free to sent a mail to: support@myteryfiles.nl

Go to Daylight in AppStore

Daylight Promo 1







Sneak Peek to Daylight

promo_phone1DaylightSo was working on a location based & aware App. The coding went good somedays and bad on other days. But guess that’s the life of an App Developer. You miss one line of code and everything literally breaks down.

NSLog is my new best friend a real life saver when it comes to  error checking and application progress checker.

The other thing that’s weird for a non Developer, after weeks, months or more time coding something….you have to spent another additional time to think of ways that a user can break the App. Start the App and refusing to give location permission. Let the App run and put it in background, turn of internet access. Change time settings and other things. Really why… would someone do this. So any way I think Daylight is pretty robust now after all the error checking that I’ve done. It’s a good thing in the end I guess.

So what can I tell about Daylight? The name “Daylight” was taken in the AppStore… by the movie Daylight itself (which was kinda boring in my opinion. Vampires yeah!! Future & Vampires…bweehhh big no on that). So in the AppStore Daylight is submitted as –> Daylight Timer

And that name gives a lot away, doesn’t? Yep it tracks the daylight. More about it in a couple of days when it’s approved…or maybe not. Rejection still always a possibility.


Guess I’ve been away for a long long time. What can I say… I’m not really a blogger. Just updated 3 Apps on the site, not new apps but old ones that are already out on the AppStore but didn’t had an entry on the site. Hmm….bad. So site not really up to date then 🙁

All that I can say MysteryFiles.nl is run by a one man team. I can’t do everything at once can I. Anyway currently I’ve some free time so hence these blog updates etc.

So what’s on my mind? Just uploaded a new app and now… a week nothing and waiting for approval. App approval is still long as ever…or one week…is reasonable in a way considering all the updates and new apps that Apple has to review and check.

But still sometimes really annoying. For example a couple of weeks ago I updated QuickFlip with gestures and IAP (do have to make money somewhere :|). After a week the App was live. Good…but when I checked the IAP. That wasn’t, this due to some weird error while the App was submitted the IAP wasn’t apparently. So had to submit another version of QuickFlip just for the IAP. A week later IAP rejected…WTF… turns out. A rule being “non consumables” needed a restore button. Oh dear…..resubmit again for just one button.

So the lesson I learned from this: rules are rules.AppStore rules are RULES to be followed otherwise a big red rejection sign.



Icon-144QuickFlip is a simple and easy to use photo editing App with just one function: to reorient a photo.

This can be done with a simple gesture.

Swipe left or right and the photo will be mirrored.

Swipe up or down and the photo will be flipped.

Rotating the photo is also possible with the rotate button at the bottom of the screen.

Quick and simple. Nothing more and nothing less of course 🙂

Best of all it’s a free app.

AppStore Link


Description text in the AppStore

QuickFlip is a photo editing app which allows you to flip or mirror an image with a simple finger swipe.
Press rotate if needed and hit the save button That’s all to it.
Simple and easy.
