Tag Archive: Habits


The elevator pitch about this application… ehm… two words! Poop Tracker.
OopsieWhoopsie uses the Bristol stool scale to be specific.
The Bristol stool scale is a diagnostic medical tool designed to classify the form of human faeces into seven categories. Each category describes look of the faeces, which in turn could indicate constipation or inflammation when tracked over a period of time. This information can be used in both clinical and experimental studies.
This all may sounds complicated and unnecessary, but when your physician ask your about bowl movement, then the Bristol stool scale will be used. Because simply saying you have them is sometimes not enough for a proper health diagnosis.
More information like frequency (there is a difference between once a week to every day), time (every morning to irregular during the day or evening) and amount (infrequent with a large amount to frequent with small amounts).
OopsieWhoopsie will help you keep track of all this. All you have to do is make a log entry every time you visit the toilet.
+ additional features support like widgets, Siri, shortcuts and more

Do or Do Not

Track your day to day activities with Do or Do Not. Once you start using this application, you’ll not want to go back to a time without having it. Each activity or habit can be set with an icon to better identify and distinguish itself from other activities.
The activity itself has an occurrence count, for how many times a day you want to do this task. The number of icons represents this count. You simply tap on the icon to mark part of the activity as done and go back to what you were doing.

The activities will reoccur each day and new entries will be automatic created for it. You can easily set the status to non-active to skip a day.

Each activity has a timeline function which shows the daily results for each day it was active. This is easy to understand, and you can just scroll through it and to get a comprehensive overview.


In general, most applications offer the option to track habits, streaks, routines, etc. only have one type of entry. The thing you want to do and improve. Negative items and things you want to avoid will also be put on the same list. This can work for a small list of items, but for bigger lists, this could start to get confusing. Do you have to do this one item or was it the other way around?

Do or Do Not makes a distinction between activities that you want to do and activities that you want to avoid each day. These Do Not activities could be anything you can think of. From quit smoking to eating less junk food, if improving your health is what you are aiming for. Or from reducing the time watching YouTube videos to checking your Facebook account, when improving your productivity is what you want. Each time you withstood the temptation, you mark it and go back to what you were doing.

With the selection list function, you can easily switch between the positive Do activities and the negative Do Not activities.
Do activities should be tackled with a positive attitude towards completing them.
Do Not activities should be tackled as activities that you should be avoiding, or more to the point the temptations that you should be withstanding.
From a behavioral standpoint: it is important to make a distinction between what should be done and what shouldn’t be done.

Do or Do Not also support Widgets on your home screen from iOS 14 onwards. Widgets are a good way to remind you of the activities that you have set for yourself. Activities are represented by the icons you have selected for them. And the progress can be easily understood in one glance.

download on the app store



Digital Hoarder

So I’m subscribed to a lot of RSS feeds. When Google stopped their support to it… that was a sad day. But when Feedly picked that up… it was a good day. Currently using the Newsify app in my iPhone to read through all my RSS feeds.

When I analyse my habit using Newsify. Most of the time I just skim through an article to see if it’s interesting or not. When it seems so I read it, but when its a long one. I just use the quick share option and sent it to Pocket (formerly Read It Later). I’ve been doing this for years now. Also have the Pocket app of course. And when I have more time I use that to read those articles of interest. Nothing wrong with this habit. Or this way of gathering news and information. Seems faster then manually visiting all those websites one by one.

So when I got the new MacBook, one of the first app I installed was Pocket for OSX. Smooth download and install. But what shocked me was when I launched the app…so many unread articles…(in the thousands…) At that point I realised I was being a digital article hoarder! I’ve really gathered a lot of articles in these years that I wanted to read and never had the time to really read them.

So the last couple of days… no weeks… I’ve read a lot. Article after article. It feels good. To finally do the things I wanted to do. But at some point I also realise that most of the old articles where out of date and at no more interest. But still read them, so wasting time and energy right? Anyways there where also some articles, where I had real doubt on why I like them in the first place? Because when I read them… I really didn’t like them at all and putting them in the trash can was the right thing to do.

I ask myself now is: why did I chose to Pocket those articles at the first place? Was it my skimming habit of reading the headline and the first few sentences? Or is it something else? That’s the me at that thought it was interesting. And the me now…doesn’t see it at interesting at all. So did I changed that much? I guess so. Perspective changes in time. With habits, preferences and way of thinking all being malleable and not a solid unworkable metal thing.

So looking to my future self and asking what will happen or will I be doing next year? Or the year after it? Hello nice to meet you future me. This is the current me. What advice would you give me? Not that I would take it, because the me I know is kinda stubborn. Hmm topic went to a weird place. But to be honest would you take advice from your future self? Don’t do thing “A” because it will lead to thing “B”. But what about thing “C” the experience that you get from that decision? The thing called life, feelings and memories. So in this line of thinking, would you go back in time to change certain decisions that you made when you were younger? What impact would it have on the current you? I don’t know to be honest. I have some regrets on certain things. But then again those regrets led to some other things and decisions which where good. As it turns out. Anyways my advice to the current and future me: don’t skim through to much articles and auto Pocket them. Try to read them now, when they are current and relevant. I saves time and energy in the long way…

So what now? The current me is going to read some more “pocketed” articles. My aim is to finish them all. One way or another.