Tag Archive: Motivation

Anchor Me

Have you ever felt lost, confused and not knowing how to begin to describe what you are feeling. Emotional feelings so overwhelming that you just don’t know where or how to begin.

AnchorMe aims to help you overcome this hurdle by providing you with lots and lots of reading material. Sometimes you just get stuck in a certain loop of feelings that keeps focusing on one thing that you see as: the cause of… or the only solution to…

While other possibilities are ignored and overlooked. It’s like being in love and only seeing the positive side of someone. Or having a heartbreak and feeling the world has ended and there is nothing that you can do about it.

The idea behind AnchorMe is decouple your overwhelming feelings into smaller and manageable parts. First you have to define, understand and then put it in a place you are comfortable with. It can help to know that you are not the only one feeling these feelings, they are universal and everyone around you experience them the same way. The only difference is that some have found a way to deal with those feelings that suits them the best compared to you, who is still looking and searching for it. 

AnchorMe provides you with examples to help you manage and deal with the feelings that you are feeling. 

Remember that AnchorMe can only guide you on this journey, because in the end only you know what path to take in this journey called life.

Memento Mori



The Memento Mori Application aims to put your mortality in view. Celebrating your birthday is something that everyone does, but few people spend time thinking about when they will die.

Our time is limited. Memento Mori gives you an overview of the time that you have left to live. See how much time has passed by and be aware of what you have been doing with it. Your lifetime activity and achievement at one glance in the palm of your hand.

Avoid wasting your time doing useless stuff. Do things that matter and that is important to you.


Why this app?
Compliance with your daily life is one of the biggest causes of losing out on your hopes and dreams.
Who hasn’t fallen victim to procrastination? Who hasn’t been guilty of procrastination?
I don’t feel like doing this today, I’ll postpone it to tomorrow.
I am busy now and have other things to do, I’ll skip it to another day.
Then before you know it too much time has passed by and you have lost focus towards your hopes and dreams. The thing that matters to you the most in life.


The questions?
Ask yourself the following question: what are your hopes and dreams in life? A thing that you crave for in life, a thing that’s always on your mind (the last thought at night and the first thought when you wake up), a thing that can’t be described in one word. The core of your being, the passion that drives you, the motivation that pushes you forward.

When you know this answer, that’s a good thing and you should celebrate this fact. If you’re not sure, try to dig deeper until you find the answer.

The next question you should ask yourself is: what are you willing to do and risks to take for making it come true.


The “What ifs”?
It’s a hard question to answer, isn’t it? What are you willing to do or what risk are you willing to take? What if you change the situation and setting to: you only have one day to live. Will you still be doing the things that you would normally be doing daily? Going to work, checking your social media account, spending your time posting/reading/watching media content.

What if you only have one week to live? What would and could you do? Start simple by defining an important moment or highlight for the week. (what could be the most important moment of the week). From here ask yourself what steps you could take towards making this moment come true.

What if you only have one year to live? How would you be spending your time? Do you enjoy your job and would you still be working in the same place until the end? What added value do all your social media account have in your life? Looking at the time spend on it, what else could you do with that same time.

What if you only have a couple of years left to live? (What would you do then?) What is important to you and is worth spending more time on. What activities consume a lot of time, but can be considered as not important at all. Reorder your priorities in life.

Avoid wasting your time doing useless stuff. Do things that matter and that is important to you.






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Video Vault


VideoVault is a time capsule for your videos. A prime example is: it records a video about your new year’s resolution, you set a lock-date, when the times comes you’ll get a notification about it, launch the app and see whether you have kept up with your new year’s resolution or not.

VideoVault can also be used to increase your resolve and productivity. At the beginning of the week, record a video about what the goal or accomplishment you are aiming for. Set a lock-date till the end of the week. Get a notification and review the video. Record a new video for next week or set a new lock-date for the already recorded video.

The main point about VideoVault is rewatching your recorded videos of what you want to achieve and keeping it fresh in your mind. Most people tend to forget. Forgetting the smaller things in your daily life up to the bigger things, like your hopes and dreams.
When you were a child, what was your dream of what you would be when you grow up? Did it come true or have you given up on it?
The main enemy is compliance with a routine of doing things, without spending too much time thinking about why and how. Losing focus on what’s important to you, while going through your day to day life. And before you know it a week… a month or a year has gone by.

There is a difference between remembering what you want and seeing yourself saying what you want. The human mind and memory processing is all about optimum efficiency. Use it or lose it.
When you first learn a skill, all your attention has to be on the task before you would master it. Think of how many hours and energy it took for you to learn a second language or playing a musical instrument when you were a child. While you were practicing and using the skill every day, you’ll have no problem performing the task. But the moment you stop for a certain time… it will be harder to pick it up again.

Special features:
VideoVault has a lot of guided and structured questions that help you delve deeper into your goal or accomplishment aims. So every recording about a topic will be different compared to the previous one.
With the build-in speech recognition, all your answers will be automatically transcribed and ordered into an easy to read question-to-answer list.
You can use this question-to-answer list to directly view that specific video segment, no more scrubbing a video to the segment you want to review.



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Video Diary

VideoDiary records your video with a purpose, direction, and goal in mind.

The first thing to mention is that with every video that you take, you can set a couple of questions to be asked about during the recording. These questions are called Focus Questions, you can decide whenever those questions are asked with a simple tap and answer them.

With this, you can bring some order to the recording session. Or you can ignore the questions and just record the video as it is… but then you’ll miss out on the second thing part.

The second thing to mention is the way that you can view the video. VideoDiary will keep track of when the Focus Questions are asked during the recording session and enable you to skip directly to that specific part of the video with the question and your answer to it.

The other thing is your speech will be automatically transcribed into text using speech recognition. This will give you an overview of all your answers to all the focus questions. There is no need to search and watch parts of the video recording that are of no interest. This will enhance the replay value of the video when you only want to see a specific moment in the video.

Recording a video is one goal, but learning from it should be the second goal to aim for.

The third thing to mention is ordering and accessing the videos. VideoDiary organizes all the videos in a specific way which allows you to quickly access them using the default calendar mode. Which as the name implies orders all the videos by creation date.

Or you can use the search mode. At the start of the recording session you’ll be asked about your mood and to choose an emoji to represent your feeling. This is the first search option, you’ll always remember the happy days… or the sad days.

The second search option, with each Focus Question that you provide you can set a tag value to that specific question and with the search option, you can find all the videos where that question is asked. For example, you can choose to be asked about sport and exercise on certain days, with the search option you can quickly find those days and review the results.

The third search option, you can always mark a video with a star status and search all videos with this status.

These are the three main things about VideoDiary. Recording a video, organize the content of the video, and replay the video to learn something from it.

The last thing to mention is memory management. All the videos are stored on your iCloud account. When you record a video every day a lot of memory will be consumed on your device, as the default VideoDiary will choose to store all your videos on your iCloud account to save space on your device. After 1-2 weeks the video will be removed from your device and re-downloaded when you request it for a view.

By using your iCloud account as storage, you’ll not have to deal with any external services or subscription fees.

With every recorded video you’ll see the video size in MB. The recording quality is set to medium as default to provide you good quality and also reasonable video file size.

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Free to play video games

Is free to play really free to play? That’s a good question. Some are and some are certainly not. When I open the AppStore app on my iPhone I always look at the “Top Charts” and browse through the top “Paid”, “Free” and “Grossing” chart. It’s interesting and it also gives you a picture of what’s in and what’s out.

And some people may know that the top grossing app is marketed as a free to play app (actually the top three). How can a free app make so much money? The key word: In-App purchases. Depending on the game you can literally buy anything from gold as game currency, booster weapons & armour, continues or extra power ups.

The question is why would anyone buy those items? Or more to the point: exchange real money for digital bites & bytes. That’s what they are. Nothing more and nothing less. Just some line of code that gives your game character extra power and options. I read somewhere once that most free to play games makes their money from just 3% of their player base. Those are the hardcore game addicts (who also have the money to pay for it, or kids with access to their parents credit cards).

So how do they get addicted to those games? The first step: get them to download it. Advertisement, marketing, mouth to mouth, paid reviews etc.

The second step: give them an accomplished feeling when ever they achieve an objective in the game. Item and gold rewards. This gives them the ability to complete the game objectives faster and better. Plus when they get a faster time, give them start & medals. Who doesn’t like to feel like a winner?

The third step: introduce an online competition. This can be a leaderboard system showing high game scores. Or a battle arena where they can fight other people with their game character to see who is the stronger one. There can only be one at the top, right? Even when it’s a fictional one.

The fourth step: is give daily bonus rewards. This motivates them to play the game each day.

During step 2 and 3, give them hints and pushes for some premium options in the game that they can only get now with in-app purchases and…. gotcha (the 3%).

But I do wonder if those 3% will ever stop and think why they play the game in the first place? That’s play the game as a form of enjoyment. Something to pass the time with. You know the limited 24 hours a day. 7 days a week. 52 weeks a year. The years you have to live. I guess those 3% lost track of this and only see the game objective to be on the top, get a better score or a faster time.

Anyways this is what I ask myself whenever I feel that I’ve been playing a certain game to much. You know: I like everyone else have an expiration date, that’s… when you die. Wouldn’t you rather spend your time doing something else that’s more fulfilling and accomplished then… playing a video game. Which you can delete in seconds with a tap of your finger. And then what do you have…?