Tag Archive: New App


The elevator pitch about this application… ehm… two words! Poop Tracker.
OopsieWhoopsie uses the Bristol stool scale to be specific.
The Bristol stool scale is a diagnostic medical tool designed to classify the form of human faeces into seven categories. Each category describes look of the faeces, which in turn could indicate constipation or inflammation when tracked over a period of time. This information can be used in both clinical and experimental studies.
This all may sounds complicated and unnecessary, but when your physician ask your about bowl movement, then the Bristol stool scale will be used. Because simply saying you have them is sometimes not enough for a proper health diagnosis.
More information like frequency (there is a difference between once a week to every day), time (every morning to irregular during the day or evening) and amount (infrequent with a large amount to frequent with small amounts).
OopsieWhoopsie will help you keep track of all this. All you have to do is make a log entry every time you visit the toilet.
+ additional features support like widgets, Siri, shortcuts and more

marked today

Sometimes you just don’t want to or have the energy to write in your diary at the end of the day. Or you can’t seem to find the right words to express yourself, but you still want to mark your day as done and finished. Go to bed, sleep and start again tomorrow.

This “marked” application may provide you with a solution or at a minimum scratch that itch and satisfy the compulsion/routine itself. Simple select the default cross symbol and mark today as done in the month calendar. 

The calendar overview is clear and without distractions, see the days that are marked as done vs the days that are still open in a month.

You can select other symbols and color combinations that suits you or have a meaning only you know about. If you can express your day with one emoji or a photo, even that is an option to use as a marker.

With widget support, you can see your monthly overview right on your homescreen. Combine widgets with multiple month calendars, you can track different aspects of your day and express them with a personalised marker. For example your emotional feelings on a day expressed with one emoji or a countdown calendar by marking the days until a special date.

Anchor Me

Have you ever felt lost, confused and not knowing how to begin to describe what you are feeling. Emotional feelings so overwhelming that you just don’t know where or how to begin.

AnchorMe aims to help you overcome this hurdle by providing you with lots and lots of reading material. Sometimes you just get stuck in a certain loop of feelings that keeps focusing on one thing that you see as: the cause of… or the only solution to…

While other possibilities are ignored and overlooked. It’s like being in love and only seeing the positive side of someone. Or having a heartbreak and feeling the world has ended and there is nothing that you can do about it.

The idea behind AnchorMe is decouple your overwhelming feelings into smaller and manageable parts. First you have to define, understand and then put it in a place you are comfortable with. It can help to know that you are not the only one feeling these feelings, they are universal and everyone around you experience them the same way. The only difference is that some have found a way to deal with those feelings that suits them the best compared to you, who is still looking and searching for it. 

AnchorMe provides you with examples to help you manage and deal with the feelings that you are feeling. 

Remember that AnchorMe can only guide you on this journey, because in the end only you know what path to take in this journey called life.


Gamify your daily todo list with FarmerDo. Create a basic todo item like any other existing application, the difference is that when you mark it as done you’ll be issued an additional task in the minigame. Only when you finish this in-game task will your todo item be marked as done.

Who says a todo list needs to be boring. Having some fun as a small reward after a task is done that’s what FarmerDo is all about.

Memento Mori



The Memento Mori Application aims to put your mortality in view. Celebrating your birthday is something that everyone does, but few people spend time thinking about when they will die.

Our time is limited. Memento Mori gives you an overview of the time that you have left to live. See how much time has passed by and be aware of what you have been doing with it. Your lifetime activity and achievement at one glance in the palm of your hand.

Avoid wasting your time doing useless stuff. Do things that matter and that is important to you.


Why this app?
Compliance with your daily life is one of the biggest causes of losing out on your hopes and dreams.
Who hasn’t fallen victim to procrastination? Who hasn’t been guilty of procrastination?
I don’t feel like doing this today, I’ll postpone it to tomorrow.
I am busy now and have other things to do, I’ll skip it to another day.
Then before you know it too much time has passed by and you have lost focus towards your hopes and dreams. The thing that matters to you the most in life.


The questions?
Ask yourself the following question: what are your hopes and dreams in life? A thing that you crave for in life, a thing that’s always on your mind (the last thought at night and the first thought when you wake up), a thing that can’t be described in one word. The core of your being, the passion that drives you, the motivation that pushes you forward.

When you know this answer, that’s a good thing and you should celebrate this fact. If you’re not sure, try to dig deeper until you find the answer.

The next question you should ask yourself is: what are you willing to do and risks to take for making it come true.


The “What ifs”?
It’s a hard question to answer, isn’t it? What are you willing to do or what risk are you willing to take? What if you change the situation and setting to: you only have one day to live. Will you still be doing the things that you would normally be doing daily? Going to work, checking your social media account, spending your time posting/reading/watching media content.

What if you only have one week to live? What would and could you do? Start simple by defining an important moment or highlight for the week. (what could be the most important moment of the week). From here ask yourself what steps you could take towards making this moment come true.

What if you only have one year to live? How would you be spending your time? Do you enjoy your job and would you still be working in the same place until the end? What added value do all your social media account have in your life? Looking at the time spend on it, what else could you do with that same time.

What if you only have a couple of years left to live? (What would you do then?) What is important to you and is worth spending more time on. What activities consume a lot of time, but can be considered as not important at all. Reorder your priorities in life.

Avoid wasting your time doing useless stuff. Do things that matter and that is important to you.






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Ready2Order is a food menu application for everyone in the food industry, from your local cupcake store to much bigger restaurants.

Ready2Order has two dedicated modes: “Edit Mode” and “Display Mode”

With the easy to use “Edit Mode” anyone can transform their paper food menu into a modern digital food menu.

By providing your description, ingredients listing, and a well-taken photo; you can create your own customer’s experience that you want your customers to have.

Add your store name and logo to the menu to make it feel even more like your own food menu application.

The “Display Mode” lets you transform the data that you created into a digital menu that your customers can browse through and interact with as if they are holding a menu in their hands.

These are the two main core functionality of Ready2Order.

There are of course more options which include a password lock to “Menu Mode”, you don’t want your customer to leave this mode and change your food database.

There is an iCloud sync option when you have multiple iPads that you want to use as menu devices.

There is also a feature called “Waiter Mode” which lets you see your active devices in “Menu Mode” and keep track of them.

And a lot more options plus usage possibilities. Give it a try.

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Left? Or Right?

Have you ever had the problem when sending two pictures to someone and ask which is better.
You get the answer the first or the second, but then you yourself can’t seem to remember which picture you send first…

This is where “Left? Or Right?” comes to the rescue. The main function of this application is combining those two pictures into one big one.
In that newly combined picture, the choice is now simplified into the “Left” one or the “Right” one?

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Step By Step – Day By Day

Step By Step is an app that directs your focus on one and one thing only.

All other distractions like setting multiple goals, sub-directives, repeated values on daily routines, etc. that can be found in other apps are absent here.
The main problem with those features and options was that it enables you to make multiple lists of goals and subgoals to the point where you will lose track of what’s important.
When you fail one goal in this scenario, no problem you have set other goals. When you fail some more goals… you just quit the app or start all over again.

Step By Step puts a stop to this by limiting you to one single goal. Each day you’ll be asked if you reach that goal if you do (you mark that day) and if you don’t (no problem there is always a tomorrow).
As the days go by, you will see your progress in a very clear and easy to understand screenshot.


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Warranty Listing

Warranty Listing keeps track of the warranty period for the items that you own.
At one glance you can see how many days, the specific product is protected and insured.
There is also a Widget option that provides you the same information on your Today screen.

Besides keeping track of the warranty on a product, you can also keep track of the validity of other documents like your passport or driver’s license.






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