Tag Archive: New App

Voice Box

A voice box or the larynx is an organ in the neck that is involved in the protection of the trachea and sound production.

This app is all about the last part: the production of sound, especially speech.

For most people, this is a common thing that you do daily. You just open your mouth and communicate through words you intend.
If you have no problem performing this action, you don’t need this app. Seriously, no need.

On the other hand, if you do have a problem performing the action above, then Voice Box can be a helpful tool for you.

Users who may find Voice Box useful:
People with a hearing impairment will use sign language to communicate with each other, but not everyone knows sign language.

People who yell and cheer a lot for their team at sporting events will undoubtedly get a sore throat the next day.

People who get the flu or something like it that causes lots of coughing may lose their voice or experience pain when talking.

People who needed a medical operation, like for their tonsils, will be unable to speak for a while.

People who are learning a new language can use Voice Box as a pronunciation checker, provided if they write the words, and also set voice to that language they are learning.

And besides these examples, there are probably lots more to name and list.

The general usage of Voice Box is you type in the words and they will be read aloud. You can choose between: at every word or the end of the sentence.
There are dozens of language voices to choose from. Each voice can be further customized in speed and pitch level.
You can save your text entries and have your favorite quotes ready at hand within a few taps.

download on the app store



Small talk is defined as a light conversation about common, everyday things.
Depending on the social occasion, the conversation may vary from asking how a person is doing to talking about the weather.

This seems like a simple activity and most people do this every day.
But not everyone is as skillful at it as the other.

Some may find this hard, the concept of having a polite conversation about unimportant things.

What do you talk about when you don’t know each other?

What if you say something wrong and offend the other person.

You only have one chance for a first impression.

How do you deal with awkward silences?

I think most of us will have experienced this a couple of times in their lifetime, at least I do.
At those times I really wished that I could read minds and know what to say to avoid certain awkward moments.

Unfortunately that’s not really possible. But… what if?
What if there is something close to it. Something that will help you, in a big way, by giving you options.

That’s the main function of this application: to provide you with topics to talk about. It’s as simple as that.

So where to begin?
First you have to enter a couple of topics that you find interesting or have strong feelings for.

These topics will be combined into a special list, an identifier for your preferences.
The list itself is used to provide various functions inside this application.

For example you can get a notification, when another user who shares similar interest is nearby.
Or you can browse through all the active users around you and discover the topics of interest that you have in common.

Another example is that the list will be used to determine the most popular topics across all users. This way you can always find a save topic to start a conversation.
The popular topics are further ordered into active topics around you, new trending topics and all time popular topics.

And beside this, there are even more options and functions to discover.

So what are you waiting for?
Try it out and before you know it, you’ll be talking to everyone.

Emergency Info

No one wants to be in an accident…
But what if you do get into one. Don’t you want the best help possible?

The Emergency Info App aims to play a role in this situation by providing accurate and easily accessible information to the first help responder that is treating you.

As a first step: a clear and distraction-free icon. A home screen layout differs from person to person, and finding a particular app can be difficult for someone new to it. And nothing attracts the attention more than a bright red color and an exclamation point.

The second step: presenting the information. This should be short and to the point. In an emergency, every second count. And time wasted by scrolling through an app and reading lots of sentences isn’t a good thing.
After careful consideration of what information is important, how to show it, and still be relevant to you the user. The decision was settled on an information section category layout. You can choose from different information sections and in each section, you can enter the information that applies to you. Your allergies, specific medical conditions that you have, or certain medicines that you are taking.
With customization, you can choose what’s important and relevant to you and show this on the first and most important screen of the app. The info that could save your life.





























download on the app store

Sleep Widget

Sleep Widget is a simple app that helps you track your sleep habit using HealthKit.

All you have to do is enable the widget function of the app in the today view (that’s when you swipe down on the home screen). When you go to bed, press the “Start” button.

Sleep. Zzz.

When you  wake up, press the “Stop” button.


And for the last part, adjust the fall in sleep time & press save to HealthKit.

TweetPaper App

IconBig5TweetPaper is finally live after month of hard work. What is

What is TweetPaper?
TweetPaper is a Twitter Client.

So? There are a lot of Twitter Clients in the AppStore.
Indeed, you are right.

What’s so special about it?
It depends on what you consider special. It can’t turn water into wine or iron into gold. But what it can do is display your Twitter feeds in a new way.

In a new way?
Yes, TweetPaper organizes your tweets into 3 separate view-frames (today, yesterday and days ago).

Ehm… view-frame?
Yeah, weird name. Open for suggestions. But the point is that a view-frame only contains tweets for the day of interest.

Day of interest?
“Today” is for the current tweets and “yesterday” for all the tweets from yesterday.
“Days ago” is a special one, which allows you to select a day and all the tweets of the selected day will be shown to you. It acts like an archive function.

Hmmm….what else can you tell me about view-frames?
A view-frame collects all the tweets of a day and analyzes the tweets specifics, like hashtags, mentions and retweets. All this info is gathered in the “Daily Statistics” frame that you can select.

Another frame?
Not quite, it more a part of the view-frame itself. Because each view-frame has one.

So it’s more a sub-frame or sub-view.
Yes, that’s the right programming term. But going back to the “Daily Statistics” frame, here you can find all kinds of tweet statistics. Like how many tweets or retweets was send by you or the persons that you follow. And when you click on them you’ll see a graphic display of that info.
“Daily Statistics” also contains a daily top section. Daily top lists the top 3 in tweets, retweets, mentions and hashtags.

Hah…now I understand the name statistics.
Yes, but an easy and understandable one, with…

What ever! What else?
Daily Statistics also tracks your following and followers count.

Ahh…you’ve got my interest. Tell me more.
The info is listed at the top. When you gain followers, you’ll see the gained amount in green. This also applies for following and favorites.

In green?
Yes, in green. Because it turns red when you lose a follower or stop following someone. It’s a color choice.
Furthermore when you click on it, you’ll get a graphic chart about the changes.

Hmm ok. Anything else beside statistics?
At the bottom when you follow someone new, they will be listed there, profile picture changes and other updates.

No I mean something else beside statistics!
There is another sub frame called “My Daily Stream”. Just like “Daily Statistics” you’ll find it in all three of the view-frames.

What does “My Daily Stream” do?
It list all the tweets from the all persons that you follow in a “mini day” timeline.

Hmm that’s not really special.
Indeed, you are right again. But it’s there because… I can’t really omit it without other users complaining about missing it… can I?
It’s an expected feature nowadays.
But there is a twist.

A twist?
Yes “My Daily Stream” acts as the main stream of that day and contains all the tweets of all the persons that you follow.
And as the main stream it can be divided into sub streams.

Sub streams?
Yeah, sub streams… for lack of a better word choice. Again open for suggestions. Each person that you follow will have a sub stream. This opens up a faster way in navigating through your twitter feeds and allows you to ignore certain other tweets. There is also a hide function, by tapping on a user in the main stream you can hide their tweets.
Furthermore you can switch between the sub streams by swiping left or right and the next following person’s tweets will be shown.

Hmmm ok. What else?
To focus on the tweet message itself, all other non essential tweet info like replies, retweets and favorites counts are hidden. You can see them by tapping on the tweet.
Furthermore the reply, retweet and favorite buttons are all listed inside one button. A design choice.
Links in tweets can also be accessed with the more button.

Hmm design choice you say.
Yeah, that’s the hype and keyword nowadays.
Designed for iOS 7.
Minimalistic Design.
Gesture based navigation.
And some other design oriented words.
So yes a design choice. But also it felt right when I coded it like that. Of course things can change. Again open for suggestions.
Anyways try it out and let me know what you think.

So that’s all then?
No there is still a lot more to tell, like you can navigate between the view-frames with a swipe-drag gesture and see the paper folding animation (hence the name TweetPaper and also the newspaper aspect of news for a day).
TweetPaper was designed with the mindset: checking Twitter once or twice a day is enough.
To handle timezone difference and with it the date selection. All tweet follows the Twitter GMT-0 time and date creation notation. But but you can select a specific time zone in the settings menu (view-frame days ago, top right side).
Then there is customization where you can select a background image. And the special thing about this is…. you have to see it to understand it.
As for privacy concerns, all I can say is that I don’t collect them. All your Twitter statistics stays in TweetPaper. And when you delete the app all the data is deleted as well. You Twitter account is accessed using Apple’s social framework. You can allow access to it in the general settings menu.


TweetPaper Promo

TweetPaper Promo



contens_appThe Contents App is an utility application that allows you to quickly estimate the content in a glass.

All you have to do is line up the “base level” with the bottom of the glass.
Set the “max level” to the top of the glass.
Set the “current level” to the current water level.
Double tap the screen and you’ll see the estimate content value of the glass.
Simple and easy

*extra feature: press the i button at the upper right side of the screen. This allow you to switch from a percentage estimate to a 250 ml, 500 ml or a 1 liter content value.

View in App Store 


A new way of using overlay views and if you think about it: simple and so useful depending on the situation of course.



EMDR 101

EMDR_Promo EMDR 101 is your companion into the world of EMDR as a treatment method for various mental disorders.

Whether you’re new to EMDR or a seasoned practitioner, EMDR 101 will still be useful in one way or the other.

EMDR 101 gives you a clear overview of the various phases of an EMDR session (description and goal).

With the “Guided EMDR Session” option you can do an EMDR Session in any place that you want and work through the difficult issues that you struggling with. And whenever you feel overwhelmed with feelings & emotions, you can stop by simply closing the app. And resume when you are ready. You’re always in control.
So find a comfortable and safe place that you know…and start the session.

The “Custom EMDR Session” is for when you know more about EMDR. And it allows you to go straight to the point of desensitization & installation.

The “Dot Only Display” mode is a go-to option for an EMDR therapist. A distraction-free and easy to handle tool that you can use in your sessions.


download on the app store

PSA (Psychological Symptoms Analyzer)

Icon-152Just released a new app called PSA,  short for Psychological Symptoms Analyzer.

PSA is an application that helps you diagnose a mental disorder in a new way.

You simply have to select the symptoms that are present by dragging them to the selection field.
When you’re done start the Analyzer process.
This will give you some possible mental disorder diagnoses. Tap on them to see the specific criteria requirements for a proper diagnose (based on ICD, DSM). As a quick reference usage of the app, you can tap the library button and search for a mental disorder directly. Tap on the mental disorder to see the specific criteria requirements. Or read more about the disorder by pressing the wiki button.
Developers Blabla

I wanted to call it a psychological symptom analyzer tool first and shorten it to PSAT, but that a name conflict with the PSAT test. Or the better-known version of the SAT test. Name confusion is one thing but the other thing is maybe taken down notices due to intellectual property rights or something of that matter.

So PSA it is then.

I designed it in the hope that it would make the diagnose process easier by using symptoms tag as the first filter. And after that the specific mental disorder Criteria (set by DSM and ICD) check for a proper diagnose. Or just go straight to the Criteria check by searching for the mental disorder.

BTW I’ve also included the quick Criteria search data into Psych 101, really like how that data function turned out. So why not, it makes the app better.

Now I hope the user will also think this way and rate the app. With the current AppStore ranking system, highly rated apps are treated better. Which equals more downloads. And those downloads translate into certain paper and metal stuff that I can exchange for food & shelter.

download on the app store

7 Minute Workout App

7 Minute Workout IconThe 7 Minutes A Day App helps you do the famous Scientific 7 Minutes Workout, that’s been going around the internet.
The workout consist of the following exercises: Jumping Jacks, Wall Sit, Push Up, Abdominal Crunch, Step Up onto Chair, Squat, Triceps Dip on Chair, Plank, High Knees Running in Place, Lunge, Push Up and Rotation and Side Plank.
The 7 Minutes A Day App will help you doing these workout set by announcing each exercise to you and keep track of the time till the next one.

But that’s not all. You can also make 4 custom workout sessions with different exercise routines. The routines can be selected from the predefined data base or you can enter your own (with name and picture as reference).

7 Minute Workout







View in App Store 

Days Till My Birthday

With this App I learned more about the local notification system workings in iOS, which is pretty cool. And just as Steve would say: it just works.

With this in mind the whole App is designed for easy use and just one general purpose: showing the days till your birthday. Without the notification and pre iOS 4, way before backgrounding. This App would just only work when you open it. But now it works even when it’s not active. The counter just goes on. Day after day, until your birthday of course. Then it resets. Pretty amazing right. Open the App, enter your birthday and you don’t have to think about it again. Every you see the App icon with the badge number you’ll know the current days count until your birthday.

The design of the App itself is straight forward: a counter which counts the day, hour, minutes and seconds until your birthday. I used clipboard images. The only problem is that I couldn’t get the flip animation working the way I want. So no real flipping effects when the time counter runs. Just changing numbers. Next update then.

Then the biggest part of design is the icon. This is in my opinion the hardest. It should be simple and also clear in its meaning. With no distractions. I first put the whole title in the icon itself. Which made reading it hard, deepening on the font and letter size I picked. And then there is the App Title below the icon itself. Which I couldn’t ignore. I couldn’t delete it….so make use of it. The result I could use bigger letters with fewer words. On the iPhone screen it’s fine and readable. About the birthday cakes that’s hardly visible on an iPhone 3GS or 3G but on an iPhone 4 or 4S with retina display, it’s ok. On the AppStore itself, the cakes are clear and visible. And this way it’s better than just two words in the icon and some empty space above it. This is of course for the number badge icon. On the App icon I also put a small round red template with # in it. So visually let people know something with numbers is going to be here. The “#” sign is the general sign for number right?

So this is it then. Or not have to say something in the line of: oh there is one more thing! When your birthday comes the “Days Till My Birthday” will sing “Happy Birthday” to you. And that’s amazing right?

Description in AppStore:

Days Till My Birthday App keeps track of the number of days till your birthday.

When you open the app you’ll see a counter that keeps track of the number of days, hours, minutes and seconds until your birthday.

On your home screen you’ll see the number of days in the App Badge Icon.

for more information & suggestion:
support @ mysteryfiles.nl

ps. when the days comes this app will even sing “Happy Birthday” to you.